FAQs – Under the Microscope podcast guests

How can I be tagged or collaborate on Instagram if my account is private?

Thank you for sharing your Instagram account as part of the promotion for your episode on Under the Microscope. We respect your privacy and want to provide you with options for how you’d like to be featured. If your Instagram profile is private, here are the options:

  • Tagging: If you’re comfortable with it, we can tag you in our post. Your tag will be visible to your followers but not to the public.
  • Collaborator Feature: Instagram’s collaborator feature only works if both profiles are public. You could make your account public temporarily, and switch it back to private once the post goes live.
  • Following: You can follow our Instagram account, @thescience_talk, and we will tag you directly in the post while respecting your privacy.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. We’re happy to work with whichever option you’re most comfortable with.

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