🌟 Boosting Green Energy One Reaction at a Time with Rebecca Pittkowski: Episode 194 of Under the Microscope 🔬

What to Expect:

In this episode, Rebecca Pittkowski delves into her research on developing catalysts for green energy applications. Rebecca shares her journey from studying chemistry in Germany to conducting catalysis research at the Technical University of Denmark, and her work on enhancing the efficiency of chemical reactions used in sustainable energy applications.

About the Guest:

Rebecca Pittkowski

Rebecca Pittkowski is a PhD researcher at the Technical University of Denmark specializing in catalysis and green energy. Her work focuses on developing new catalysts to enhance the efficiency of chemical reactions used in sustainable energy applications. Rebecca’s research aims to contribute to the global transition to renewable energy sources.

🌟 Key Takeaways from This Episode:

  • Catalysis for Green Energy: Developing catalysts to enhance the efficiency of chemical reactions in sustainable energy applications.
  • Career Journey: From studying chemistry in Germany to conducting catalysis research in Denmark.
  • Favorite Experiment: Investigating the properties of new catalysts for hydrogen production.

🔬 In This Episode, We Cover:

Rebecca’s Research :

Rebecca’s research focuses on developing catalysts to enhance the efficiency of chemical reactions used in sustainable energy applications. Her work aims to improve the production of hydrogen and other renewable energy sources by designing new catalysts with superior properties.

Rebecca’s Career Journey :

Rebecca’s academic journey began with a Bachelor’s in Chemistry in Germany. She pursued her passion for catalysis and green energy, leading her to her current role as a PhD researcher at the Technical University of Denmark, where she focuses on developing catalysts for sustainable energy applications.

Rebecca’s Favourite Research Experiment :

Rebecca’s favorite experiment involves investigating the properties of new catalysts for hydrogen production. By understanding how these catalysts function and how they can be improved, she aims to enhance the efficiency of hydrogen production, contributing to the development of sustainable energy solutions.

Life as a Scientist: Beyond the Lab

Rebecca values the collaborative nature of scientific research and enjoys engaging with the global scientific community. She is passionate about teaching and mentoring the next generation of scientists and values the opportunity to work on solutions for global energy challenges.

Rebecca’s 3 Wishes

  1. Increased funding for research: Rebecca wishes for more financial support to advance innovative research projects.
  2. Greater collaboration between researchers: She advocates for stronger partnerships to enhance knowledge sharing and collaborative efforts in research.
  3. Improved public understanding of scientific research: Rebecca emphasizes the importance of public awareness and support for scientific advancements.

Rebecca’s Time on @RealSci_Nano :

Rebecca will be taking over the RealSci_Nano Twitter account to share her research on catalysis and green energy. Followers can expect to learn about the innovative techniques and materials her work focuses on, as well as insights into the future of sustainable energy.

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[00:00:00] Hi, I’m Pranoti. I am the host of Under the Microscope and just finished recording a podcast with Rebecca, uh, who is a postdoc at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and she is researching, uh, So her research is about green energy, so hydrogen fuel cells, and, uh, it’s more on the basic, uh, basic science level, uh, where, uh, her group, like, she studies, um, uh, the reactions that happen, uh, in order to, um, generate, uh, hydrogen.

And so, so, I mean, considering the current times that we are living in, which are, uh, The gas prices going up, uh, it’s really, really important to have, uh, green energy put as much money as possible in developing green energy and transferring it from the lab to the, to our cars or so wherever. So it was a really fun conversation about, uh, about her career, uh, which started in Germany.

Then she did some lab hopping here and there in Europe [00:01:00] and now is in Denmark. And, uh, yeah, we talked about her wishes, uh, What she would like to see, uh, in the research, uh, environment, uh, as a whole. I also asked her a lot of, lot of questions cause her research is super interesting. So can’t wait for you all to watch the video, uh, or listen to the podcast depending on where you are consuming this.

So yeah, uh, stay tuned, uh, for more details about boosting green energy, one reaction at a time. All right, bye!

Hi everyone, I’m Pranavati, your host of the Under the Microscope, uh, podcast series and today we have with us Rebecca Pitow Pit Pit. Wait, I’m going to get this right. Pitkowski, Rebecca Pitkowski, who is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, talking about boosting the green energy one reaction at a time.

And what better [00:02:00] place to do research on green energy or alternative energy Then Denmark. So hi, Rebecca. Welcome to under the microscope. How are you? I’m great. Thanks. Awesome. Awesome. Let’s let’s. So tell me, tell me everything. Tell me everything. But let’s maybe start with your research. Could you explain your research to us?

Yeah, I’ll try. So I work on making new materials as catalysts for, yeah, fuel cell reactions or electrolysis reactions. So how to, Make hydrogen and how to convert hydrogen again. So basically using hydrogen as our green energy carrier. Mm hmm, and My work is mostly yeah on synthesizing the materials and then characterizing them with a lot of x rays.

So I’m Super excited about x rays, and I think we’ll talk about that a lot And then of course testing how these materials perform if we can actually have a better Catalyst or maybe our fuel cell car or for our electrolyzer Mm hmm. Mm hmm. [00:03:00] Okay. So, oh, cat, what kind of catalysts are we talking about here?

Uh, I thought you just have the water and then you put pass some current and then suddenly there is hydrogen and then you use this hydrogen to travel from Berlin to Hamburg. Yes, that’s pretty much what you do, but it depends a lot. Like if you have your glass of water where you put in your electrodes and put the current, what materials they are made of.

So depending on if you have just two steel plates that you put inside or maybe copper or platinum or nickel, depending on that, it depends on how much, yeah, current you need from your socket or like how much you need to put in and how much hydrogen you get out. So we want to make this. as efficient as possible.

And then basically what you would do is put a lot of nanoparticles on your electrode because you want to have a huge surface areas. Of course, you know, we want to have as much surface as possible where the reaction takes place. And [00:04:00] we’re excited about nanomaterials, of course. And then We want to find out what materials these nanoparticles should be made of.

Okay, so the, uh, the, the hydrogen is made or created at the anode or the cathode? At the cathode. And the cathode is the negative one. Yeah, that’s, you do the reduction at the cathode. Right. Oxidation at the anode. So you, at the, you oxidize your water at the anode and make oxygen and you reduce your protons on the cathode to make the hydrogen.

Okay. And cathode is the negatively charged electrode. It’s the positively charged. It’s the positively charged. Okay. Positively charged electrode where you reduce your protons because the protons give the positive charge to the cathode. Did I understand? This guy. Okay. Yeah. Sorry. I, uh, I always get confused with like, which one is the anode?

Which one is the cathode? Because it’s like switched. But the anode, yeah, in the batteries, it switches all the time. But in the [00:05:00] pure cell, you only, only, you always have to think about the anode is the oxidation. . So where you have two vowels, anode, oxidation, uhhuh and cathode reduction, Ah-huh? At the cathode, you put the electrodes into your material, and then in the anode you, yeah, you oxidize it.

So you take away the electrodes. Ah, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yes, this was a very quick refresher for intellectual chemistry. But I also get confused about positive and negative. So I always have to think about where is the reaction happening. So where is the oxidation and where is the reduction? The reduction.

This is good. Like anode oxidation. Yes. Then cathode has to be reduction. Reduction. It helps. Just vowel, vowel and consonant, consonant. Right. That’s that’s good. Yeah. Thank you, Rebecca. Um, I have a probably a stupid question, but I’m still going to ask you because you’re the expert here of the electrochemistry and green and everything.

Green energy and everything. Um, So, okay, so the [00:06:00] hydrogen is created. It’s in the liquid, in the electrolyte, the, the, the liquid where we have these two electrodes. Um, how do you, uh, store it? Like, how does it go from being created at the cathode? To running my car. Yeah. So there’s a lot of different approaches on how you would design, design your fuel cell for your car.

So you, in your car, you’re not going to have like a beaker of water, which you place in your electrodes, but what you probably will have is like a polymer electrolyte fuel cell where you don’t actually have liquid inside, but you have like a plastic membrane. So a polymer membrane, and then you have gases.

Okay. flowing through. Ah, and with that, you can already make pressurized hydrogen. So that would already be at a high, I’m sorry. Now I’m on the wrong. No, now I got confused with the electrolysis and the fuel cells. So we have to cut that.

So, I mean, you, you put in your hydrogen, you have a hydrogen tank in your car. Right. And then it runs. through your fuel cell, but you don’t have a liquid electrolyte. [00:07:00] So you have your hydrogen running to your electrode and there it’s being, because you know, you have hydrogen and oxygen that react together and make water in your fuel cell.

Right. The other thing is of course, the electrolyzer where you make the hydrogen at your cathode. Right. So it’s, Turned around and, ah, so in reality, like when, uh, in the real life, uh, examples, it’s the other way around. Uh, well, it depends on what you want to do. So first, if we want to have it like as a hydrogen economy, so we start to have green electricity from solar or wind, and then to store that we produce the hydrogen.

So we use the electricity to drive our Yeah, electrodes in our beaker of water, which is not a beaker of water, but Right, right, yeah. We have our water to make the hydrogen. Uh huh. And then we store that in a pressurized tank. Which we put into our car. Uh huh. And then we use this to power our fuel cell.

So you have your pressurized hydrogen car in your fuel cell. Uh huh. Pressurized tank in your fuel cell car, sorry. And then you use it to to power your car [00:08:00] through this fuel cell where you basically have hydrogen and oxygen that recombine to water. And release the electricity again. And then you have water that comes out of your exhaust and no, no CO2, but water that comes out of the car.

Oh, that is so cool. That is so cool. I always wondered, I’m so glad you’re on the podcast today, Rebecca. Well, it sounds a little bit confusing how I tell it because I’m also a little bit confused. the work in the lab, right. When we was transferring this from lab. Into the car. Uh, so no, it’s not. This is this is really helpful.

And this is really, really, really, really, really fascinating. And considering the times that we are living in where Suddenly, the gas prices go up by 34%, uh, which is quite a lot. Um, it’s, it’s really good to be informed about, um, alternative energy sources. Uh, cause it’s, I think, very, very important. Um, so, uh, Rebecca, how did you end up, uh, being the CEO?

Renewable energy, x ray, uh, [00:09:00] scientist, um, in Denmark as a postdoc, where you are at the University of Copenhagen. How did, how has your journey been like? I think, uh, the first time I got excited about fuel cell cars, which actually in high school, when I had a really nice physics teacher who was talking about fuel cell cars and like, you can like power your car with hydrogen and it just comes water out, and I was so amazed, and I thought, that’s so cool.

That’s really exciting. So I think I was 15 at that point. But I didn’t really think about, I want to work with that, but it just got me really excited about energy, like how can, how can we work because I mean, it’s 15 years ago, maybe, but it was already a point that you were saying we shouldn’t use fossil fuels for.

20 years at that point. So I mean, it’s not, it’s not a new point, right? But then he was saying like, yeah, we can make fuel cell cars. And I was like, okay, why don’t we do that? Okay. And then I didn’t really think about it too much and started studying chemistry just because I was excited about molecules and rearrangements and atomic structures and all these, how does the structure of the material function.

So I studied [00:10:00] chemistry. in Dresden in Germany, and then I moved to Prague to do my PhD. And there I actually started working on electrolysis. So how to make efficient oxygen and hydrogen from water. So the reverse of the fuels that what we talked about before that we have first, we need to store our electricity that we make into, into the hydrogen.

And yeah, then I did my PhD in Prague in Czech Republic for three years in a nice European project. And then I moved to Switzerland for a short while and then to Denmark. And now I also work on the other side. So also the fuel cell side, kind of. A lot of hydrogen on all sides for me. Making hydrogen and converting hydrogen.

So your research and your team’s research is extremely important for us. It’s what you described is a very typical traveling scientist kind of a career, right? You started in Germany, then Prague, [00:11:00] then Switzerland, then now in Copenhagen. Um, It’s it’s it’s it’s really cool. So what is your experience like, um, in terms of people’s attitude towards, uh, green energy, uh, in the different countries.

So in Czech Republic, in Germany, in Switzerland, in Denmark, in like, are there any differences like stark differences where. I’m assuming that in Denmark, people are like, yes, green energy. We have it. We use it. Lots of funding. Yeah. Um, but I’m curious how it is like in Germany, Switzerland and Czech Republic.

I think there’s overall, there’s quite a lot of funding because there’s, I mean, of course there’s a lot of European funding, but also the individual European countries put quite a lot of funding in these. These topics. So I think from the funding side, we’re at the right topic at the right time, kind of, and I think also if you talk with people about the work that you do, they’re always really excited and interested in like, okay, that’s super cool that you try to make it more efficient and try to actually make fuel cell cars or maybe stationary fuel cells, make them that we could actually use it [00:12:00] from living in these different countries, I think.

Probably Denmark is the most advanced in, yeah, having a low carbon footprint due to, as we would talk before that there’s a lot of cycling going on that at least in Copenhagen, no one uses the car. So that was definitely different in Prague. I think there was a lot more car driving in Prague, but I think from people’s attitude, it’s been overall super positive and like all the places I’ve been in.

Every country is trying to do their, their own solution kind of. So there’s a lot of wind power being installed here. And then in Switzerland, there’s a lot of water power, like hydropower. I think that’s also like a very good point to see, like, how can you actually. Go to towards green energy sources with, yeah, what you have available, like it doesn’t maybe make so much sense to have as much solar cells in Denmark than in [00:13:00] some other countries.

I really do find like a local solution. And I think, yeah, just that we all try to work on own small solutions and figuring out. What could be the possibilities and be less creative as we can be that that makes sense. It’s nice to hear that all countries are trying their best to invest and support and find solutions for.

Green energy in order to then, of course, lowering the carbon footprint, because I think it’s very, very important. Uh, thank you for sharing that. That is really useful, uh, information. Think puts things in perspective a bit, uh, for me. So, Rebecca, it sounds to me that, uh, your current research is, of course, amazing and super fascinating and super cool.

Um. But I’m sure in the past also you have been involved in a lot of interesting research experiments and research projects. Um, if you have to pick one research project that you’re most proud of or the most fun or quirky one, uh, could you pick one, uh, for us and explain it to us in simple [00:14:00] words in the section we call In Other Words?

Yes. So, uh, I’ve mentioned it quickly before that I’m very excited about X Rays. And many of the experiments I’m doing now is for super high intensity x rays. So if you think about your x ray source in the maybe hospital, which everyone knows the x rays we use are a couple of million times more intense.

And of course, we don’t have that in our lab, but we go to a large scale facility called a synchrotron, which is like a huge ring where the electrons rates around at really, really high speeds. And then you take out your x rays and you have super powerful x rays of really, really small wavelengths. So with that, we can actually look at nanoparticles and see how are the nanoparticles behaving.

And as I was saying before, we want to have nanoparticles on our electrode to have the most efficient use of, of the current that we put in. So what we tried at this experiment was to see, can we use the x rays to look [00:15:00] into our cell where the electrochemistry is happening? And can we understand how the atoms rearrange during?

the catalysis. So how does the structure of the nanoparticles actually look while we do the experiment and not before or after, but to understand how does the structure change while the catalyst is running? Oh, wow. So do you have like movies and stuff? Uh, like videos where you see like the atoms are no, it’s not like a microscope.

So what we’ve been doing is actually x ray scattering experiments. So then we’re not in in real space, but in reciprocal space, right? If you have your diffraction pattern, so we’re not really a graph. We’re not, not having movies, but I think it’s possible to do x ray imaging, but that’s not my, my experience.

I’m really more interested to see like to solve how the atomic structure looks like, how are the atoms arranged in your monadal particle. Right. While it is reacting. So how does the active structure look like? Uh huh. Is it much more ordered or maybe disordered [00:16:00] than what you have before? Do you have dissolution of one of the active components?

Yeah. Oh, wow. That is so cool. I have so many questions. Oh, first one. Um, what is the resolution? Because I remember for x rays, the, what is it? Not footprint. What is it called? The the spot print or something. I don’t know. I forgot. Wow. I can’t believe I forgot. Uh, you know, like for the electron microscope, the beam, the diameter of the be.

Yeah, yeah. That also depends which X ray. beam size you use, so you can make it down to a couple of microns. I think there’s also nano focus beams, but that’s more into the imaging side, right? When we’re not doing imaging. So we shoot at your whole lot of particles and then you see how do they scatter? So how do they interact with the x ray beam?

And then you get an overall diffraction image of your, like the whole sample. And then you Fourier transform, do a lot of data [00:17:00] treatment, and then you get an information of your average atomic structure of the nanoparticles. Uh huh. Okay. All right. Second question. Um, do x rays work well in liquid, uh, medium?

Because for electron microscopes, that’s a no go. Because of the vacuum and everything. Don’t you need vacuum for this? Oh, really? Oh my God. That is so cool. Oh my. And you can, you can think about it exactly as your x ray in the hospital. Yeah. If you want to x ray your hand, you also don’t need to put your hand into vacuum, thankfully.

True. Yeah, you’re right. Yeah. So it’s a, it’s a super cool technique where you don’t have to, like you can. Really look into a reaction environment without needing to change it. Wow. That is so cool. That is so cool. Oh my God. That is so good. Okay. Third question. Uh, you mentioned the, the x rays are like million times faster than when we are like extreme of our hand or whatever.

How fast are they? Are we talking about [00:18:00] speed of light or are we talking about, uh, flash speed? I think it’s, it’s not speed of light, but it’s coming close there. Ah, okay. So you have the electrons that, that race around and then they make the x rays. Electrons in the right. Electrons are the ones who are like going around and not the extras, right?

Yes, of course. Oh, that is so cool. So how many rounds do the electrons have to do? I have no idea.

I don’t work with how to create the That question I can ask, uh, previously, one of our previous curators or one of our previous guests. ’cause I think she is an instrument scientist at the Australia Australian Donut, so Synchrotron, uh, in Australia. So I could ask her that like, is it hundred rounds is like, but yeah.

Oh, this is so cool. And, and, and, and, and, uh, so which, which synchrotron, uh, do you go to do, have you been to like several or is it like one favorite or, yeah. So. [00:19:00] We try to go to the singletrons that are close to us, of course, and from Copenhagen, that is in Sweden, Lund, which is just two hours from here. And they have the Danish beamline there.

So Denmark has some dedicated beam time there. So we try to go there a lot. Then Hamburg is also a really close synchrotron at DC. And then I think my favorite one is the European synchrotron in the London France, I think they have the best beamlines and it’s also beautiful to go to the Alps as well. Ah, that is so cool.

That, that, that, you were frozen there for a bit, but I think I, I, I, What was the first one? You mentioned Hamburg, the daisy, then the first one is? It’s in Sweden, Maxsport in Lund. Ah, the one in Sweden. Yes. Oh, that reminds me. One of our previous guests, I think Marjorie her name was, she also liked the freezing of water and she, uh, used x [00:20:00] rays.

To, to study the freezing of water, like what happens to the water. Um, that was also cool. Um, Okay. And yeah, well, I was going to ask you, do you have like a favorite synchrotron? And you already answered at the Grenoble. Um, yeah, it’s really beautiful. Um, yeah. So we just, yeah. Because we’re, we’re applying for beam time, right?

We’re not beamline scientists, but we write a proposal and then we apply. So we apply a different synchrotrons. Um, so I think it’s really important for us to hopefully be able to make the experiment. Okay. And which one will you be at in the first week of October? In Daisy in Humboldt. Ah, in Daisy. It’s a nice one.

I like that campus. It’s really cozy. Yes. Um, alright, awesome. So, speaking of beamline and everything, it’s very clear to me, Rebecca, that you really love the research part of being a scientist. Um, What else do you like about being a scientist? Yeah, I love the traveling and because of all [00:21:00] the synchrotrons we actually do travel quite a lot.

So it’s quite busy and I, I love that it’s such an international environment and that you can discuss a lot and you have the freedom to focus on your own projects, be creative. Nice, nice. Yeah, so traveling, uh, international environment and independence. To, uh, let your burst of creativity just, um, yeah, you’re right.

I remember that as well. Uh, in my past life as a scientist, I also all three of these, uh, aspects. Um, so it sounds to me, Rebecca, that your research experience has been wonderful. Um, and I hope it will continue to be wonderful. Of course, however, if you had three wishes to improve your research experience, what would you ask for?

And I’m not promising anything. Yeah, so, uh, I think it would be nice to have more, more value for the time that you put in. Because it’s a, it’s [00:22:00] a lot of own motivation that you put in and it’s very much pushing yourself, but there’s very little reward from outside and you don’t put in your hours. Just work a lot.

And I think sometimes that would be nice to have, I mean, we do have flexible hours, but it would also be nice to like, see how much, many hours did you actually work and maybe take a day more off or something, right? Yes. And yeah, then I think that, that papers, like the, how papers, uh, Ranked as an importance is sometimes a bit too high because it takes a lot of time to perform the experiments that we do, for example, and it’s, it’s very hard to, like, push out paper after paper.

If you want to do really exciting, really cool science with, like, trying absolutely new things, trying new experiments. If you apply for beam time, it takes maybe, uh, nine months between writing the proposal and actually performing it. So it’s not, it’s not fast science that, that we’re doing. It’s nine. I think sometimes that it’s, that you’re not [00:23:00] seeing how much work goes into yeah, which works.

So you just see, okay, this person has, I don’t know, 50 papers and this person has 10 papers. And then you’re like, ah, He’s more successful or she’s more successful. That’s that should not be the matrix. And if it only, it, if it takes nine months to even perform the experiment, then writing like data analysis, writing it up and publishing it, it’s, it sounds to me easily two to three years for it.

It takes a while. But it’s really cool experiments, and I love that. Of course, of course. Um, but yeah, I feel like there should be a field on, uh, the scientific papers, uh, as to, like, from conception to publishing. How long did it take? But yeah, sorry, go on. I think I had a third wish, right? Yes, yes, yes, you should have the tool, but I’ll just wish for more money in research.

It goes against what you said earlier for the first answer, where I was asking you all kinds of questions and you mentioned [00:24:00] the renewable energy research is funded quite well, but you want, right? But I think, I think I’m very much on the fundamental side. So I, we’re quite far away from like real applications.

And I think funding fundamental research and having like a continuity of being able to run experiments that take a long time, being able to, yeah, know that you can plan for your future. So I think some, some fundamental funding in science, that’s, yeah. Mm hmm. Right. Something I would love that. That makes sense.

And it’s not personally for me, but just for like a continuation of So if you had, okay, I have like a tricky question for you. I just thought about it. Um, Let’s say you have access to, I don’t know, X million, uh, amount of money, um, X million euros. Let’s say one million just for making it simple. One million just for you, Rebecca.

Do whatever you want with it. It sounds a bit like Nobel Prize, but never mind. Um, you can either You can’t do both. Okay. So you can either pay your salary for a certain number of like until the money runs out or you can buy an instrument or a bunch [00:25:00] of like instrumental labs or whatever. Whoa. How would you spend that one?

That’s a tricky question.

Yeah, I mean, uh, I really would like to have one x ray instrument for the lab where you could measure x ray absorption spectroscopy with. So maybe I would go with that because, um, um, um, um, um, um. So, so not, uh, not, uh, paying out the salary or like travel expenses or all of that, more instrumental. If I get really a lot of money, I really like that instrument, but then if I don’t have a continuous contractor, what should I do with the instrument?

Yeah, yes, but thank you for candidly answering like honestly answering that question. It is a tricky one. If someone were to ask me that question, I wouldn’t be able to answer it either. Everything. Can I have two? Two million? Uh, this, this sounds, uh, yeah, it, it’s, uh, it makes sense. Sorry for the mean question.

Um, uh, one. I think I [00:26:00] definitely want to learn from you want to, uh, ask you is before I let you go, Rebecca, because this has been wonderful. And I feel like I could talk to you for hours and ask you all kinds of silly and crazy and stupid questions. But at some point I have to let you go. But before you go, could you tell us what can the followers of the Real Scientist Nano Twitter account expect in the week that you’re taking over the account, which is the first week of October 2022?

Yeah, so I will be at the Synchrotron in Hamburg. So I will try to give the followers an insight on how does it look in such a large facility. In DC, you can actually not see the ring because it’s underground. So if we were at the EOTRAP, you could take pictures around the ring, but we’ll just have to do with like a short part of the ring.

A panorama. Yeah. Yeah, but we can like see some pictures of the experiments and how does it look with all the [00:27:00] computers and screen? How do you like set up your experiment? So I will tweet about that. And then, of course, if we come back to Denmark, I will also talk a little bit more about my science here in Copenhagen.

And of course, a little about green energy and transitioning to Um, and what we do there and what I think might be important. Okay. All right. That sounds really cool. Oh, I can’t wait to, uh, read all your tweets and look at all the pictures and images and everything, everything, everything on the Real Scientists Nano Twitter account.

Thank you very much, Rebecca, for enlightening me. I learned a lot today. And it was really nice to meet you and, uh. Yeah, thank you very much. We would love to have you again on the podcast and on a Twitter account as well. Um, so thank you very much and looking forward to having you on Real Scientist Nano.

Yeah, I look really much forward to it. Awesome.[00:28:00] Thank you for listening. This is Pranati, host of Under the Microscope. To know more about us, visit our website, thesciencetalk. com, and follow us on Twitter at realsci underscore nano. 

Podcast title: Boosting Green Energy, one Reaction at a Time

Rebecca is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

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